Illegal Alien’s Reign Of Terror Unveiled! Heart-Wrenching Tragedy Strikes Colorado

(Rallying Patriots) – There are a number of massive blunders that have come out of the current administration. A huge one is, without a doubt, the border crisis. We’re now seeing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens crossing into our country on a weekly basis. President Joe Biden has refused to do his duty and enforce immigration law to close off the border and deport these individuals back to their country of origin, which is likely part of a political scheme designed to alter the demographics of the United States and help Democrats win elections.

Unfortunately, allowing an open border like this also jeopardizes the safety of the American people.

As per a report from the Daily Caller, a man who entered the country illegally and was deported not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times, is alleged to have murdered a mother and her son in Colorado, a representative for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency disclosed.

“Jose Guadalupe Menjivar-Alas, who is from El Salvador, was previously deported four times after initially sneaking into the country undetected, ICE said. Menjivar-Alas, 37, was charged with vehicular homicide reckless, vehicular homicide DUI and habitual traffic offender after he allegedly crashed his vehicle and killed 47-year-old Melissa Powell and her 16-year-old son, Riordan, on Dec. 12, according to the Broomfield Police Department,” the piece continued.

“The accused has four convictions from Boulder County Court for alcohol-related driving offenses that occurred between 2007 and 2019, ICE said. A Boulder County judge had sentenced Menjivar-Alas to probation, community service and work release four days before his latest alleged offense, according to CBS News,” the article noted.

“Sanctuary policies not only lack any public benefit but also contribute to an increase in crime against citizens. By giving sanctuary to illegal aliens, these policies inadvertently enable them to commit crimes without consequences. The safety of citizens must be our utmost concern,” retired ICE Denver Field Office Director and current board member with National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE) John Fabbricatore commented while speaking with the DCNF.

“The failures of Colorado’s sanctuary policies allowed a convicted criminal to stay in our local communities on probation, intentionally avoiding notifying ICE. If sanctuary policies were abolished, these unnecessary deaths could have been prevented. We must end sanctuary policy and secure the border now!” Fabbricatore added. It’s important to point out that Fabbricatore is also running for a congressional seat.

The Denver branch of ICE lodged a detainer with Broomfield County to bring in the suspect. Menjivar-Alas was deported to his country of origin in June 2009, June 2012, November 2014, and January 2015.

“ICE records show that the subject has been previously removed and has no regard for immigration law. As part of its routine operations, ICE targets and arrests noncitizens who commit crimes and other individuals who have violated our nation’s immigration laws,” the ICE spokesperson remarked to the DCNF.

“All noncitizens in violation of U.S. immigration law may be subject to arrest, detention and, if found removable by final order, removed from the United States, regardless of nationality,” they stated.

This mother and son would be alive today if the federal government did its job to enforce the law and prevent Menjivar-Alas from ever getting back into the country, or, better yet, prosecuting him to the fullest extent of the law and placing him behind bars for consistently violating our immigration laws.

We need a president who will actually do their job.

Copyright 2024.

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