Bongino Sounds The Alarm Over Secret Service Ban Of Trump Red Ties

(Rallying Patriots) - A new report from BizPac Review has revealed that former Secret Service agent and current conservative podcast host, Dan Bongino, is alleging that those working within the agency have been banned...

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Ex-White House Reporter Claims ‘MAGA And Christian Nationalism’ Bigger Threat Than Hamas!

(Rallying Patriots) - Did you know, at one point, the dirty magazine Playboy, brainchild of the late Hugh Heffner, actually had a senior White...

Biden Slips Real Reason He’s Seeking Re-Election

(Rallying Patriots) - With all of the gaffes piling up on President Joe Biden, his obvious failing mental faculties, and the scandals involving his...

Army Veteran, 94, Kicked Out Of Nursing Home To Make Room For Illegals

(Rallying Patriots) - One of the best ways to learn about the character of a nation is to look at how its warriors are...

WHAT A DISGRACE: Top Seventeen Times Biden Lied, Plagiarized, And Exaggerated

(Rallying Patriots) - With Harvard University President Claudine Gay being accused of plagiarism, there is a renewed interest in the topic overall, especially when...

Who’s Running The Show At The White House? Fox Business Host Suggests It’s NOT Biden

(Rallying Patriots) - Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo took to the airwaves not long after former President Donald Trump made the suggestion that maybe,...

Illegal Alien Thanks Biden After Crossing Into US: ‘I Love You’

(Rallying Patriots) - An illegal alien, one of thousands upon thousands who have flooded across the southern border in Arizona, wanted to share his...

ALERT: Big Name In Congress A Member Of ‘Secret’ Anti-Israel Group

(Rallying Patriots) - It's no secret that Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Michigan Democrat and member of the infamous "Squad," tends to fall a bit...

SHOCK POLL: Majority Of Voters Worried About Election Cheating In 2024

(Rallying Patriots) - American voters have lost faith in elections, according to data gleaned from polling conducted by Rasmussen Reports. Given the amount of...

Soros Family, Megadonors Behind The Rise Of New York AG Suing Trump

(Rallying Patriots) - If there is a Democrat anywhere in the United States experiencing a rise to power, garnering media attention, and attacking former...
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